80% of Toyota’s Vehicles Still on the Road Today

May 25th, 2015 by

It’s now a little more clear why other automaker companies compare themselves to Toyota.

Whether or not you’ve seen Toyota’s commercial stating their number one, it’s got people talking. Toyota’s commercial says that 80% of their vehicles are still on the road today, and Toyota is proud to share that!

Based on Polk U.S. Vehicles In Operation registration statistics MY 1996-2010 as of July 2010, 90% of all Toyota Camrys sold since 1995 are still on the road.

Toyota has held the leadership position in the US auto market for over 15 years. Many would think that last year’s recall disaster would destroy their reputation but it did exactly the opposite. Toyota has been putting focus back to attention to detail and customer service, and is proud to stand behind their products and their customers.

With vehicles sold over the last 20 years, Toyota has the highest percentage of vehicles still on the road today. Toyota is also proud to say that they are the most fuel-efficient and the greatest durability of any full-line automotive manufacturer.

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